
Undraped Chest and Breast Massage

Written by Zee | Apr 1, 2024 8:34:30 PM

Exciting update!

I had the privilege and pleasure to take a 16 hour continuing education class titled “Massage of the Anterior Trunk and Breasts” from the incredible Eren Bartsch of Catalyst Therapies in Bellingham. Your first response to reading that sentence may be shock and surprise. Breast tissue is not an area we think of as an option for therapeutic massage. I was apprehensive at first myself, but after receiving this treatment from 8 LMTS I’d just met during the class, let me tell you… WOW. My whole body feels more aligned, even, and integrated than it has in years. The front and back of my body feel like they’re finally on the same team. I am sitting up taller and able to adjust my posture throughout the day without immediate discomfort.

This course is in compliance with Washington regulation code WAC 246-830-555, allowing me to offer undraped chest massage to all genders. If you’re a cis man and have wondered why I have to cover your nipples during the massage, this government-mandated regulation is the reason!

The class focused on massage of the abdominal region, ribcage, sternum, and chest/breast tissue. Nipples are not a primary focus for massage, with the exception of breaking up scar tissue or assistance with lactation difficulties. In fact, if you don’t want your nipples touched at all, there is a box on the written consent form for selecting this option. You can also bring nipple covers - I may offer these later down the road. 

If you’re interested in discussing this work, we will have an in-depth conversation to ensure your comfort levels and boundaries are well understood before we begin. Your written and verbal consent is required to proceed. If at any point during the discussion, you change your mind, or aren’t 100% ready for this treatment, we will pass and you can bring it up again when you’re ready.  When it comes to consent, “Maybe” means “No”. And you can stop the session at any time if you change your mind.

You are also welcome to bring someone with you, who may stay in the massage room or adjacent waiting room as an added comfort measure. 

In this consent conversation, we will also cover language and terminology. I will strive to only use words that align with your gender identity. 


Some reasons for chest and breast massage may seem more obvious: 

  • preparing for or recovery from breast augmentation, reduction, or realignment* 
  • preparing for or recovery from top surgery*
  • tenderness, discomfort or difficulty with breastfeeding
  • breathing limitations
  • wearing a binder or tight clothing 
  • tenderness and tension associated with large breasts or pregnancy
  • breast tissue discomfort or pain from hormones, clogged ducts, or scar tissue

*Typical recovery period for surgery is 6-8 weeks, after which a massage can be performed - however, you should consult your surgeon first! It should be noted that I am not trained in manual lymphatic drainage, so if this is something your doctor recommends, I can help you find a therapist with this training. 

Other reasons may surprise you! 

If you’re preparing for breast or top surgery, massage can increase range of motion, joint flexibility, tissue malleability, and blood flow, which can, in turn, speed up the recovery process.

If you have a history of anxiety, panic attacks, or other psychosomatic conditions that can affect breathing, you may have tension and restriction in the front of your ribcage that you’re not even fully aware of! If you struggle to take a deep breath or experience discomfort with twisting, you may have tension in the ribcage associated with the diaphragm or intercostal muscles between the ribs. 

To quote my brilliant teacher, you're back and chest are "playing 'Tug of War' - and you’re only hearing the loser" - in this case, the spots under and between your shoulder blades. Tightness in the chest could be the source of this strain. This is especially true for those of us who spend long hours hunched in front of a computer, driving, as well as folks who are bartenders, barbers, dental hygienists, construction workers... I could go on. Basically, most of us spend our working hours with our arms in front of us, bodies bent forward. This condition is sometimes called "Upper Crossed Syndrome". See the image below. 

If you have any questions about this work or would like to know more, please feel free to comment here or send me an email at

I'm so excited to offer this work!